Varicose Vein Treatment

Varicose veins develop when the valves in your veins don’t function as intended – acting like gates to ensure blood is directed toward your heart.

varicose vein treatment AdelaideValves can become weak or damaged if there is a family history of vein problems, pregnancy or standing for prolonged periods. Also, if overweight or obese.


Injections for varicose veins are an increasingly popular non-surgical treatment option. The procedure typically takes place at your doctor’s office and takes about 30 minutes. They will examine your veins, discuss your medical history and decide if injections are the appropriate therapy.

A physician will inject a foam solution directly into veins using a fine needle, which causes their walls to swell and seal shut, stopping blood from passing through and eliminating its presence within several weeks.

Your varicose vein treatment Adelaide doctor will schedule multiple injection sessions depending on the size and location of your veins; each appointment could occur several weeks or months apart.

Your doctor will use local anesthetic or sedatives to numb the area before proceeding with any procedure, though you may experience slight stinging or cramping during this short-term discomfort.

After your procedure, wearing compression stockings for at least several days will likely be recommended to prevent vein reopening and subsequent pain. You should follow your doctor’s advice regarding duration.

Sclerotherapy treatments for spider and small varicose veins often produce visible results within weeks; more prominent varicose veins may take several months. Therefore, Sclerotherapy should always be administered in series to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Laser ablation is another effective option for treating large varicose veins, using light waves to destroy them with pinpoint precision. Although this procedure is generally safer than surgery for more prominent varicose veins, it may still have some side effects; therefore, it should only be performed by experienced physicians in this type of treatment.

For most people, laser therapy is a highly safe and effective varicose vein treatment option that does not involve hospitalisation afterwards.

After receiving injections, it is advisable to refrain from submerging your legs in water or sun for at least two weeks post-injection to minimise bruising or dark spots due to inflammation caused by injections and promote good circulation in your legs. It’s also essential that good circulation be maintained post-injection.

Laser Treatment

Laser vein treatment is an efficient, minimally-invasive solution for eliminating spider and varicose veins without resorting to painful surgical methods like vein ligation or stripping. Laser treatment offers patients an alternative that quickly diminishes the look of spider and varicose veins while remaining non-invasive and pain-free. This approach may provide ideal solutions for patients looking for relief without incurring significant medical expenses for treating them with expensive vein ligation or stripping procedures.

At first, a varicose vein treatment Adelaide dermatologist will numb the area with local anesthesia before inserting a laser fibre (for EVLT) or catheter (for RFA) into the vein for treatment.

Laser heat targets the blood within veins to cause them to collapse and seal shut, diverting blood back towards healthy veins while the damaged one gradually fades away over time.

Dependent upon the severity of your varicose veins, it could take anywhere from two months before you see significant improvement in their appearance. As soon as possible, it is recommended to visit a cosmetic dermatologist to schedule a consultation session and address this matter effectively.

Laser treatment can often provide an effective solution to veins that have not responded well to traditional sclerotherapy or are too deep for injections. Physicians utilise special lasers with longer wavelengths than standard sclerotherapy or radiofrequency ablation techniques to reach deeper veins more efficiently.

Varicose vein treatments often require minimal recovery time and are safe for most patients, enabling most individuals to resume normal activities immediately following this procedure; some may need compression stockings for up to two weeks for a speedier recovery.

Though some patients may experience temporary bruising, swelling, or pain after receiving varicose vein removal treatment, these effects should subside within one to two weeks. You should keep treated areas dry during this time and limit exposure to sunlight.

Endoscopic Vein Surgery

Varicose or spider veins are abnormally enlarged or twisted blood vessels that lead to leg heaviness, swelling, and pain. Varicose veins are a prevalent adult condition and may lead to serious medical issues if left untreated.

Treatment options may include lifestyle modifications, compression stockings and medical procedures to remove or close varicose veins. Your doctor can help determine which method is appropriate for you.

Endoscopic vein surgery (also called varicose vein endoscopy or an EVAS procedure) is a practical, minimally invasive way of treating visible, large, and potentially painful varicose veins in the lower legs. It uses a tiny camera to peer inside each vein as a surgical device closes it off.